Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to Begin Couponing

The world of couponing can be an overwhelming, scary place at first. All the terminology [What does BOGO or ECB mean anyways?], store coupon policies [You mean I can only use one coupon per transaction!?] , and the sheer amount of information on how to coupon [Just start researching it...] is exhausting. I'd like to provide you with a few basic, beginner tips and suggestions as you begin your journey to becoming a successful "couponer"!

#1 Couponing is only as overwhelming, exhausting, & time-consuming as YOU make it.

Many people tell me, "Meredith, you must spend HOURS figuring out deals, taking online surveys, and printing out coupons. It cannot be worth it." The point of my blog is to show you that saving money is definitely worth it, but you need to decide how much time and energy you will commit to doing so. For example, plan to spend at least 1 hour a week planning out your deals and looking for freebies. Or, take 15 minutes each day to look for freebies, take online surveys, etc. This will definitely change as you start getting the hang of couponing, but at least start with a game plan.

#2 Couponing will change the WAY you shop, not just the amount of money you spend.

Since I have started couponing (around the Summer of 2010) I haven't started buying all sorts of crazy items just because I could get them for 2 cents. Generally speaking, I still purchase the same types, and even brands, of items that I have always purchased. But now I buy my favorite products for a fraction of the cost that I used to pay. I still shop at my favorite stores, too. I'm just a smarter shopper. I'll be sharing my tips and secrets with you in posts to come. Stay tuned and I have no doubt that you can start saving money on products that you already buy!

#3 Couponing can be lots of FUN & allow you to be a blessing to others.

I thoroughly enjoy finding great deals! Once you've started and can see how much money you can save on the everyday items you use—toothpaste, shampoo, razors, deodorant—you will wonder why you haven't been couponing for years! Couponing has also given me the privilege to give to others. My mom and I like to put together little care packages of necessities for our friends from free samples we receive and other items we've gotten for free (or even made money on!) but have no use for. For example, I will still sign up for baby product samples even though we don't have a baby in the house so I can put together a gift bag for an expectant mother in our church. You will find you come up with creative, fun ways to share your savings!

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